Indonesian language
teaching can be made more fun by using a more interesting approach. Interesting approach would entice students to
study Indonesian language. That approach is communicative approach. Communicative
approach adopted by the
four methods, namely simulation methods / The
Simulation Method, examine methods of understanding / The Inquiry Method,
methods of Students Teams Achievement
Division (STAD), and methods of
Team Games Tournament (TGT)
contains many useful
benefits to foster learning active
in student self.
In addition, the
communicative approach, it is
also able to
explore the potential
of students and faculty to
both developing and
sharing knowledge, skills,
and experience.
Keywords: Teaching,
Indonesian, Approach, and Communicative
are two conflicting opinions in the Indonesian language teaching. On the one
hand, a lot of complaints that were raised by the public against Indonesian control
of the students. The complaint was mainly because the students considered
disadvantaged Indonesian language both orally and in writing. On the other
hand, in most of the student / students
said learning Indonesian
is very boring
because they can feel
and delivery of
content that is
less attractive thus indirectly pupil / student to be weak in
the capture of material (Harris, 2008).
As writers Indonesian
in college also find cases like this. This
is the author felt
when I teach
Indonesian in various
faculties, such as Faculty
of Science (Department
of Pharmacy and
Department of Chemistry), Faculty
of Economics (Accounting
Department and Marketing
Department), and Faculty of Letters (Department of English Literature) at the University of this. The author teaches Indonesian at different faculties was almost seventeen years. In
the early days
of teaching, the author
found it difficult to
cultivate and develop
the interest of students
towards learning the
Indonesian language. The students are not so eager to learn
Indonesian. They generally
learn Indonesian language solely to fulfill course credits for the Indonesian language as
a compulsory subject
and university search
for a satisfactory value. Departure of
the problem, the
authors attempt to
make changes in the
teaching of Indonesian
language. one is
done by applying
a communicative approach in
the teaching of
Indonesian language. Authors apply
the communicative approach
as well as
the policy of the
Indonesian language as
personality development courses
in college. Indonesian as personality
development courses in college in an effort to realize the Indonesian language as stated in
the scientific profession and the
Minister of Education
National Curriculum Guidelines No.232/U/2000
on Higher Education
and the Higher Education core curriculum,
the Indonesian language
in the group Personality Development Courses (see
Widjono, 2005:5). In addition, the
decree states that
the minister 045/U/2000
college curriculum was developed based on the orientation of competence,
ie a set
of intelligent action
and full responsibility one
has as a requirement to be able to the public in
carrying out certain tasks (see Widjono,
2005:5). Competencies expected
in Indonesian college proficiency Indonesia
is a supporter
of one's professional
skills in performing profession
or expertise. Therefore, students should understand the concept correctly, skillfully rattled
and apply the
common traits of
good and correct language, specific
characteristics related to
the standard spelling, diction is
good and true,
sentences, paragraphs slick,
and skilled mention errors
to fix. To achieve proficiency Indonesia, it is necessary
to apply the right approach. The right
approach can make students learn actively, ie the communicative approach.
Process-oriented approach
to communicative language teaching and
learning based on the duties
and functions of communicating. The basic principles
of the communicative approach are:
a) The material shall consist of language as a communication tool, b) design
of materials should
emphasize the teaching-learning process and
not the subject,
and c) the
material should give encouragement to students to communicate
appropriately (Siahaan in Pateda, 1991:86). In the communicative approach, the
reference is the need for educated and language functions. Communicative approach to try to make the
educated have proficiency.
By itself, the
fundamental reference each unit
of study is
not the function
of language and grammar.
In other words, the grammar is presented, not as an end, but a means to
carry out the purpose of the communication. Teaching and learning strategies in
a communicative approach based on
student learning /
active students, which
is now known
as the Student Centered
Learning (SCL). How
active learning is the
development of the
theory of Dewey
Learning by Doing
(1854-1952) (see Pannen, dkk.2001:
42). Dewey strongly
disagree with rote learning 'learning by rote'.
Dewey apply the principles of
learning by doing, the students
need to engage
in spontaneous learning
/ students are actively involved in the teaching-learning process. In
the communicative approach, there are several methods that
can be applied, namely
simulation methods / The Simulation Method, and
the method of
reviewing experience /
The Inquiry Method (Pateda, 1991:87). Similar formulation
expressed by Slavin (in Pannen, et
al. 2001:69) active learning methods consist
of: methods Students
Teams Achievement
Division (STAD), the
method Team Games Tournament (TGT),
and methods Jingsaw
II. Of Slavin's
opinion, the author only
implement methods STAD
and TGT method.
This is because the
method is more
complicated jingsaw II.
In addition to
students, divided
into several groups,
teachers should choose
the level of student
ability more. Students
who exceed the level of
their ability level of
their friends will
also be grouped
into groups of experts.
2.1 Method
of Simulation / The
Simulation Method Simulation method is applied to the following rules:
a. Students are divided into small groups.
Each group of five people at most.
b. Lecturers
provide conversation topics
which will be
discussed by each group.
c. Lecturer
group around watching
and doing occasional
speeding ticket language.
d. Common mistakes discussed in general.
e. e members of the group dared to express
f. Lecturer notes error always appears. This
error can be raised in the evaluation.
g. To fix the error, preferably, the educated
fix it .
2.2 Method of
STAD / Students
Teams Achievement Division STAD method is applied to the
following rules:
a. Presentation lecturer
b. Discussion group of students
c. Test / quiz / cross asked intergroup
d. Strengthening of lecturers
Presentation lecturer
on the subject-the subject
matter, concepts, rules, and principles of
science midwife. Presentation
of lecturers in the
form of lectures and
question and answer.
Group discussion is based on the problems presented by the
lecturers. After that,
tests / quizzes conducted to
determine student learning
outcomes. Finally, strengthening
the faculty made to assure students Doubt-doubt
and disagreement between groups in the discussion.
Method of TGT / Team Games Tournament TGT method is applied to the following
a. Identify the problem
b. Discussion of problems in the
c. Presentation of the results of the
discussion groups / tournaments
d. Reinforcement by lecturer
identifying the problem, the students were assigned to read a draft in the
house. Later, the
concept was solved
in groups. After
that, solving the problem
is presented in
the form of
presentations / tournament.
Lecturer and some students became judges.
Methods Experience / The Inquiry Method
method is applied
to examine the
experience of the
following rules:
a. Students are invited to the front of the
b. He was asked his opinion on a topic that
has been provided.
c. Lecturer embolden the \students so he can
express opinions.
d. Lecturers
can correct mistakes
done by the
use of language students.
e. The students record the fault and repair
are discussed together.
f. Mistakes are always made get evaluation
The authors
recognize that the
four methods in a communicative
approach offered above is sometimes not suitable for a particular
subject. Indeed, on the one
hand, the communicative approach has
several drawbacks. Weaknesses
that may of the
students, the preparation
of materials, and of
the lecturers /
tutors themselves. However,
on the other
hand, all four
methods in the communicative approach
has been applied and
practitioner authors in
Indonesian language study various faculties at the University of this. Based on
the experience and practice
of the author,
it turns out,
all four methods were effectively
used and students
are interested in and actively practicing the Indonesian
language in class.
Based on the above,
it can be said that the implementation
of the communicative approach with different methods of teaching is a breath
of fresh air
in the Indonesian
language. Since the implementation of
the communicative approach,
the authors can propose
and say, in
fact, more students
interested and excited
to learn the Indonesian
language. Hopefully, this
article into a new discourse
for teaching Indonesian language, which
for some students
is a lesson that is
not fun and boring. Hopefully.
Resource Library
Haris Ishaq, Abdul. ,
2008. "Problems of Teaching Indonesian".
Pannen, Paulina
et al. ,
2001. Teaching in
Higher Education: Konstrukktivisme in
Learning. Jakarta: Directorate
General of Higher Education Ministry of National
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